Développeur SharePoint – Noramsoft

Depuis mars 2014, Noramsoft – Montréal QC Canada – noramsoft.com

Noramsoft est une entreprise de consulting sur la technologie Microsoft SharePoint.

Mes missions :

  • Restructuration d’un intranet SharePoint 2010, définition des besoins du client, création de la structure de l’intranet, mise en place de type de contenu et de la gestion documentaire, restructuration du contenu (1000 usagers, 200 Go de données).

Expériences | Tags:

Développeur SharePoint – Forest Fibers Inc

De mai 2012 à avril 2014, Forest Fibers Inc – Saint-Hubert QC Canada – forestfibersinc.com

Forest Fibers Inc est une entreprise de trading sur les matières recyclées.

Mes missions :

  • Installation et administration d’une ferme SharePoint 2010.
  • Création de service web pour interconnexion avec un système tierce (cieTrade).
  • Développement de workflow SharePoint pour assister le modèle d’affaire.
  • Développement de rapport SQL Server Reporting Service et Excel Power Pivot.
  • Virtualisation de l’environnement physique vers un environnement de cluster Hyper-V 2012.
  • Maintenance de l’environnement de production, AD, Terminal Server, File Share, SharePoint, Exchange, cluster Hyper-V, San Equalogic.
  • Installation, administration de Exchange server 2013, migration de 120 usagers et 6 domaines.

Expériences | Tags:

Développeur Asp.net

De avril 2011 à avril 2012, Iteontech / EchoTS – San Francisco CA USA – www.iteontech.com / www.echots.com

Iteon est une entreprise de consultation officiant dans la baie de San Francisco, son but est de fournir un service d’excellence dans le domaine de l’IT. J’ai intégré cette entreprise dans le cadre de mon stage de fin d’étude en master.

Mes missions :

  • Développement de plugin pour Microsoft Office 2010 avec les outils VSTO.
  • Excel, création d’un outils de mapping d’une feuille de calcul Excel vers des fichiers XML.
  • Outlook, création d’un plugin pour attacher automatiquement des fichiers en pièce jointe.
  • Exchange Server 2007, développement d’un ‘Agent ‘ pour automatiser le traitement des mails à la sortie du serveur.
  • Migration des données d’une plateforme collaborative vers Sharepoint 2010. ~10 Go de données, ~300 utilisateurs, ~20 sites, ~100 listes personnalisées.
  • Développement d’un site de support et de suivi d’incidents.
  • Développement d’une architecture n-tiers permettant la gestion interne, le suivi des dépenses ou des consultations, accessible depuis un portail internet, une application de bureau ainsi que des applications mobiles (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone 7).
  • Suivi de clients.

Partenariat scolaire :

  • Stage de fin d’étude, Master en Science Informatique
  • En partenariat avec la Dominican University of California

Expériences | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Certification in Management

From 2010 to 2011, the Dominican University of California in San Rafael – CA United States.

In partnership with my computer training school Supinfo San Francisco. I am currently preparing a certification in Management. Continue reading »

Education | Tags: , ,

Master 2 in Computer Science

From 2010 to 2011, school Supinfo San Francisco – CA United States.

The first year of study in Montreal made me want to continue the adventure, for that reason I chose to study an extra year abroad in the city of San Francisco, allowing me to improve my English comprehension. Continue reading »

Education | Tags: , , , , ,

Master 1 in Computer Science

From 2009 to 2010, school Supinfo Montreal, Canada.

SupInfo student, school promoting experiences abroad through its various international campuses, I chose to study a year from Montreal to open my horizons. I then worked in business for dotnet 2000 and Visual Gnoesis Inc. Continue reading »

Education | Tags: , , , ,

Bachelor in Computer Science

From 2008 to 2009, school Supinfo Illkirch, France.

I soon discovered my desire to go beyond the knowledge of the computer industry and continue studying in the field of information technology generalist. For this reason I joined the school Supinfo. This one allowed me to gain a foothold in areas such as network administration and system and application development at a high level of abstraction. Continue reading »

Education | Tags: , , , ,

Bachelor in Electrical and Computer Engineering

From 2007 to 2008, IUT de Haguenau in France.

From my experience during the internship after my 2 years technical degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, I began to specialize more in the development and automation. That’s why I chose to continue my studies in an Electrical System and Industrial Network bachelor, while continuing to work with the team Hager, which allowed me to get more involved in the enterprise as an apprentice and also be confronted with the reality of the workplace. Continue reading »

Education | Tags: , , , , , ,

2 years technical degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering

From 2005 to 2007, IUT de Haguenau in France.

My attraction to the computer industry has led me to undertake a 2 years technical degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. So I developed knowledge in the fields of industrial computer, but also networking, electronics and electrical engineering. After this training, I completed an internship in the company Hager allowing me to deepen all the knowledge acquired. Continue reading »

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I developed this website in 2010 in Montreal for a passionate in semi precious stones.

He bought the stones in the rough, the polished, collect them and then resells them. He had the desire to share his passion while developing its business. Continue reading »

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